Tryout Q & A

Tryout Q & A
Registration Information
How much is registration?
Fees for all teams are avaialble upon request. 
Fees for U9 - U12 are subsidized by the club and are all inclusive. The only addtional cost is for uniform kits.
Club Policy on siblings that play in the club is as follows:
·         Additional siblings receive a $250.00 discount per additional sibling on yearly registration fees.
·         Other team fees are not included. All fees are paid online and provided for families by the team manager.
The Jersey Knights Soccer Club provides each team manager will a budget prior to the start of each season. Team managers are required to present it to all players that tryouts.   
How is the Club Registration fee used?
This fee covers expenses to put a player on the field during the season. This includes: insurance, charter fees, licensing fees, and indoor training expenses. Additionally all costs for the Knights Complex and other practice facilities such as maintenance, casualty and property insurance, and fuel and electricity for lights/buildings, landscaping, and field maintenance are paid through this fee. Capital improvements are also paid from these fees and the revenues from our fund raising endeavors.   The generosity of our sponsors, advertisers and donors supplement these costs.
I can’t afford the registration fee. Will my children be able to play?
Yes. Every child who qualifies as a player and wants to play for the Jersey Knights will be allowed to regardless of any family economic hardship. A Finance Committee headed by one of the Board of Directors reviews requests for assistance.  If your family, or someone you know, requires assistance see your team manager. Such matters are kept in absolute confidence. 
What is the season timetable?
Fall Season begins in August with practices and pre-season tournaments to be set by the individual teams. All Practice days and locations are fixed with club approval. Each team is expected to attend a minimum number of of Club required tournaments during the Fall season (Full-sided only). (one or more may be out of state). The Soccer Director will lend assistance in the selection and must approve ALL tournament choices.
High School age players will begin their season after the conclusion of the High School Season. Typically, this begins in October on Sundays. Practices will be scheduled by the individual teams and start in November.  Fall tournaments and College Showcase attendance is expected.
Winter practices are expected of each team. The club will facilitate the acquisition of suitable indoor space. Indoor league or tournament participation shall be left to the discretion of the individual teams.
Spring season shall begin in February with practices indoor or out as weather permits. Again, outdoor practice days and locations shall be assigned by the club. Participation in a minimum Club approved tournaments during the Spring season is expected of each team. 
Selection of tournaments and the numberof weely reaining sessions is the province of the team trainer/coach  with input from the team manager and with approval of the Soccer Director.
Can my Son or Daughter "play Up"? Club policy:
If a player is age appropriate for a particular team, but grade appropriate for a different team, we encourage the player to tryout with the older group (grade appropriate).  If player is not invited to play with the older team the player will be allowed and encouraged to tryout with the younger team.
If a player is age appropriate for a team and also grade appropriate for the same team, the player is
expected to tryout with that team. Players may only tryout with older teams with permission of the Soccer Directors.
Player movement to an older team is not uncommon, but it will need to be evaluated by both team coaches (younger & older team) and Director of Coaching.  Typically, we allow younger players to play up if they are capable. If a player is not considered to be ready for an older group the player will be asked to play with the age appropriate team, but may have opportunity to guest play with the older team. 
Sponsors and Advertisers
I would like to Sponsor a team. How do I do it?
Please call Jim Martin @ 732-690-3141
What is expected of parents?
We ask that you attend the required team meeting (at the beginning of each season). Each team has a coach assigned by the club and a manager selected by the club.  There is plenty to do in regard to a team. All volunteers will be welcomed. Please attend games (your child knows when you are missing!), support the team and coaches, practice basic skills with your child, and make it an enjoyable experience for all involved. 
Appropriate sideline behavior is expected of all of our members and their guests. Respect for the referees and linesmen is a must and inappropriate behavior/remarks will result in expulsion from the complex and disciplinary measures by the club may also be invoked. After every game it would be appreciated if parents would police the sidelines and help dispose of debris and if necessary generally assist the coaches, managers and club staff in whatever tasks may be necessary to keep the complex clean and safe.
What are the Future Goals?
We want to continue the improvement of all players with better coaching and appropriate playing levels. Our High School coaches are anxious to help feed their programs. Our College coaches are equally desirous of recruiting qualified players to their programs. We  conduct a COLLEGE RECRUITMENT EDUCATION PROGRAM* for all players U16 thru U18 which serves to educate players in the college admission/recruiting process. Periodically we will conduct State sanctioned coach licensing and referee training programs as well as having a high level referee conduct a seminar on everything from rule changes to proper player/parent behavior and it’s consequences.
We are constantly upgrading our complex improve the parking lot/expand the fields and continue with many other capitol improvements to serve us all better. Our space is rented on a long term lease from the State of New Jersey and it has been up to us to build it , maintain it, and keep it safe. We receive no help or funding from any state or local agencies. Each blade of grass is planted/cut/watered and fertilized with our funds and by our members!
First and foremost, our goal is to continue to be a first class youth and young adult soccer club that teaches our participants the love of the game, the necessary skills to participate at the highest possible level, appreciation for and loyalty to his/her team and club. This is an organization that promotes a sense of family and club. We pride ourselves on the concept that we train soccer players not simply assemble teams.

