Financial Aid Information

Financial Aid Information

The Jersey Knights Soccer Club offers assistance to families who have a financial hardship in regard to the payment of season fees. The awarding of funds is determined solely by a Financial Aid Committee appointed by the Board of Directors. The committee acts on the board’s behalf and has the authority award aid as it sees fit. The fund for financial aid is subsidized by club fundraising and excess club fees collected during the course of the year. The fund is limited and needs to be applied to early.

Club expenses are paid through club registration fees. In addition to club fundraising, the financial aid account is funded with the registration fees from donations and teams that card more than 15 players. The fees of the first 15 players are used as operating costs for the team and club. Any player registration over the 15th player is deposited into the financial aid fund. These funds are also used to subsidize any teams with less than 15 players. After all teams are accounted for the remaining monies go into the fund.
Request Procedures:
1.      All financial aid requests must go through the team manager to the scholarship committee. The committee will not meet with individuals.
2.      Team managers must assess need (and how much a player can pay? Can the team help out?) Managers or coaches must make the request for assistance as soon as possible following tryouts in May/June.
3.      Registration deadline for financial assistance is always open but is determined by the amount of money available. This includes new players joining older teams in the fall. It is important to apply early!
4.      It is the team manager’s responsibility to be the liaison between recipient and the committee. The manager must inform the player that they are expected to volunteer for club work days. Usually 1 or 2x during the year. Recipients unwilling or unable help out will affect their ability to get help in the future.
5.      The Financial Aid Committee will set a schedule of meeting dates prior to the end of the tryout process that will be made available to all team mangers.
6.      The scholarship Committee will provide the Board of Directors an updated accounting (both electronic and hard copy) of scholarship recipients including award amounts and team information following their committee meetings.
7.      It is the belief of the board that everyone can afford something. A full scholarship is rare. All players are expected to register with the club online registration site following tryouts to secure their spot on the team. If the player is unable to make the first payment it is the team’s responsibility to make the payment so the player can register. Every team has a debit card and every team should have some sort of running surplus in the team account. If the team wishes to collect the fee from the player, that is up to them. Players not registered in the online system will not be eligible for any financial assistance.  
8.      Funds are limited and based on registrations. Managers that procrastinate may not have funding available. It is important for team managers of older high school age teams make assessments early even though they are not playing until the conclusion of high school soccer.
9.      Assistance is not guaranteed every year. Managers must apply each year for any players that are needy. It is strongly recommended that managers not make any promises in regard to financial aid to families. It is solely the committee’s decision to award money. 
10. Financial aid money is credited off the back end of registration. Amounts will usually correspond with season payment schedules. A 50% financial aid award may be a different amount for each team. Since almost every team is on a 5 payment schedule assistance will be determined by percentage – 20%, 40% etc.
11. Players earning financial aid will not be eligible for sibling discounts should there be additional family members in the club.
12. Short-sided teams are not eligible for assistance without Board of Director approval as those teams are already subsidized by the club.
