Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


We will refrain from berating or yelling at the officials because:

  1. Such behavior sets a poor example of sportsmanship.
  2. Such behavior reflects negatively on our team and ourselves.
  3. Most youth officials have limited experience and training.
  4. Most officials make the correct call even though we see the incident differently.
  5. If you think an official makes an incorrect call, remember that:
    1. No one is perfect.
    2. The number of incorrect calls balances out for both teams.
    3. The officials have a different viewpoint than we do.
    4. The occasional incorrect call seldom effects the outcome of the game.
    5. There are more effective ways of correcting poor officiating than verbal abuse.
    6. Unless we’ve "run the pitch," we really don’t know how hard it is to officiate a soccer match.
  6. Finally, such behavior is a needless distraction for the players.

We will refrain from yelling at players on either team because:

  1. All players deserve our courtesy, respect and consideration.
  2. The players are not professionals and make mistakes due to limited experience and great enthusiasm.
  3. Our attempts to be helpful will only confuse the players.
  4. The coach is best equipped to correct deficiencies.

We will refrain from being argumentative or abusive because:

  1. We are being judged by others, including our children, on our actions and words and we want to insure that this judgment is a verdict for good sportsmanship.

  2. We would, if requested, line up after the game and shake hands with each player and supporter of the opposing team in the same way that players are expected to do.


