7 V 7 Summer Soccer Information

7 V 7 Summer Soccer Information

7 v 7  

2021 Summer Soccer

General Information (Registrations limited to 30 teams. We routinely max out. Register soon!)
WHO: High School Boys and Girls (upcoming freshmen through seniors)
WHEN: Monday Evenings starting June 14, 2021
GAME DATES: June 14, June 21, June 28, July 5, July 12, July 19, July 26
GAME TIMES: 6:00, 6:50, 7:40 Each game is one 45 minute period.
RAIN DATES:  Friday evenings (Follows the cancelled/rained out schedule!)
LOCATION: Jersey Knights Soccer Complex
COST: $650.00 per Team. Teams may have a 18 player roster. Register 2 teams and receive a $100 discount on the 2nd team.  
REGISTRATION: Register by check or online at www.jerseyknights.com Make checks payable to Jersey Knights Soccer.
This fee includes:
- A total of seven games, each game lasting 45 minutes.
- All Referee Fees
- Each entered team recieves 18 t-shirts. 
- Weekly results/standings, posted on our website.
We will register a maximum of 30 teams (boys and girls), on a first-come-first-served basis. If you have any questions concerning the league, please contact Megan Carroll via email or call 732-672-9040

The deadline for entry is June 5, 2021.
NOTE: Registration will be considered completed when payment is received.
Please make checks payable to: "Jersey Knights Soccer"

Please mail payments to:
Jersey Knights Soccer
993 Shepard Avenue
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Upon completion of registration, e-mail confirmation will be forwarded to the team contact, as well as any additional information.

